By TheSocial Networking Club (other events)

Thursday, May 29 2014 6:30 PM 8:30 PM EDT

Join us at Miccosukee Resort and Gaming Presidential suite on the 9th floor- located 500 SW 177th Ave, Miami, FL 33194 to network with others in the community while helping a great nonprofit organization. Help us spread the message while you cultivate emerging relationships and leverage your network.

The event will have complimentary beer & wine for the 2 hour event.

We are constantly bombarded with advertisements, emails, status updates, special offers, and sales pitches creating a cluttered message. Personal relationships enable you and your organization to stand out, rise above the noise and remain top of mind.

Relationships are the catalyst for success.
People do business with those they like and trust.
Serve as a resource, help others succeed.

Why Network?
Learn dynamics within your industry
Establish your business contacts
Get “plugged in” to your community
Seek new career opportunities
Facilitate win-win relationships
Create your referral networks
Accelerate your professional development
Develop knowledge resources

Pre-register and pay $20
Or Pay at the door $25. (Credit card processing fee does apply)

We also have raffle HELPS the nonprofit of that month so bring a little extra cash to participate. (If your business would like to participate in being a raffle provider please contact me.)


** Must be over 21 and professional attire please.